Saturday, December 8, 2012

My take on glitter

I am NOT a glitter person, I have never been... Not even when I was a little girl. I only liked it when doing crafts around this time of the year, you know, the holiday season. However, all the hype going around in YouTube made me feel like I am missing out. I decided to buy a couple of glittery nail polishes, just for the accent finger.

As I was doing my nails this week, I said to myself, "What the ...!" I am going to wear glitter all over my 10 nails. But, hey, I toned it down, anyways.
I first applied Flormar polish (No. 010) and then followed with Topshop Adrenalin. I really liked the pinkish/purplish hue of the glitter on a natural colored polish. I even went ahead and applied 2 coats of glitter on my ring finger! Can you believe it?

If you are not like me, and you want a very concentrated glittery polish, then Topshop Adrenalin may appear diluted for you. But I loved, loved, loved the resulting subtlety.

So don't leave me out please, I finally like glitter!